#linyageladyboss | Tamara Waterston


If you’ve ever opened up a little known app called Instagram , then you no doubt have been graced with the bright, mega-watt smile of Tamara Waterston of Champagne + Macaroons –– a woman whose effervescent personality could only be rivaled by the first half of her website’s namesake. Her impeccable style, both in home and fashion, has caught the attention of an (exponentially growing) community of readers in just four short years since Champagne + Macaroons launched, and has not stopped inspiring. She’s a lady whose got her finger on the pulse of all things chic in the greater twin cities (and beyond), but is a southern girl with every fiber of her being and hasn’t lost her roots. Tamara is the kind of gal you see on social media who, despite a beautifully curated feed and stories, is truly as grounded as they come. one visit over a cocktail and you quickly learn that you love her even more than you thought you did before.

since recently becoming a mama, it appears that the C + M has no intention of slowing down but instead is being more intentional in the content created and shared; something that we can all genuinely appreciate and proof of an already auspicious future for Tamara.

let’s dive in to this q + A of this truly lovely #linyageladyboss , where she peels back the curtain and shines a light on how she came to call the midwest home, what motherhood has really shown her, and how her very own lineage reminds her of her strength.


1.) First things first: Tell us who you are as an artist/creative/badass boss lady, in 5 words or less.

Diligent, Extremely Detailed, Stylish, and most of all well-traveled.

2.) You are a well-renowned and beloved blogger who has garnered a fiercely loyal (and growing) following,  as well as a new mama! You're a gal with many areas of passion and expertise, whose influence is broad and bountiful . How has the new role of motherhood impacted your work and what you chose to take on?  (We know the balance can feel ever-illusive but also shows us our resilience, as well.)

Motherhood has changed me forever. I finally feel ready to tackle more projects after six months of being a mom. The emotions, the changes, the lack of time, and the fine balance of not missing out on my baby have been so hard to navigate at times. I will sit down at the end of a long day to start writing and I can barely keep my eyes from closing. But, becoming a mom has been the greatest because the blog has seen a shift as in there is a new focus on baby related items and getting through motherhood is so much better when you can share it with so many other moms. Overall it has made me more focused as I want to be intentional about where I am spending my time, albeit most the time it is singing The Wheels on The Bus in front of the mirror with Leo or shaking our butts while jamming out to Justin Timberlake but I want to work smarter not harder this year. Mom’s can do it all and that is what blows my mind. I could not have understood this role until I was in it deep and now I feel so much more confident about every other aspect of life!

3.) How have you noticed your own lineage influence you as an artist/blogger/business woman? Again, any facet or person that you find yourself drawing upon when being a boss lady.

I have the joy of coming from a very long line of badass babes. I do not say that lightly either but the women on my side of the family are strong, hardworking, and beyond selfless. My grandmother and my mom (one of four sisters) are two influences who have made me keep going day after day. They are my personal cheerleaders and I am so grateful that God gave me that!



4.) You are Minneapolis based but a Texas girl at heart ( and with a splash of wanderlust, whose suitcase is always packed!) We love living vicariously through your adventures. How did you find yourself in the Twin Cities? We'd love to hear why and how your geographical locations have influenced your business and/or creative process.


Do you have a glass of wine in hand because this is a very long one that I will try to make brief. I moved to LA after graduating from college in Texas and decided I needed to get out of the south for a hot minute. Which is where and when I met my now husband, then roomie, and told him we could never date and repeatedly that I would never ever live in a cold climate. A few years passed and we lost touch and then one fourth of July he invited me to visit him while in school in Chicago and we have been together ever since. His family business is based in the Twin Cities and he needed me to make the move to Minnesota for us to be together. It almost broke me at times and the move at that stage in life was much harder than I could have ever imagined. The change in climate and leaving my family were all so challenging. If you ever want to get to know yourself really well just up and move from every thing you have ever known and it will teach you a thing or five. Travel has always been a special gift John and I have loved sharing over the years. Seeing new places and making memories together has been one of our greatest joys. We have had quite the adventures before having Leo and I wouldn’t change any of it.


I started blogging after I moved to Minneapolis because I was craving a creative outlet. Leaving behind a wedding and event career in Texas, I thought this could be a fun passion project to fuel my need to make everything pretty. Fast forward to today and I wouldn’t have dreamed Champagne + Macaroons would be what it is today and I feel so grateful for the opportunity to share on this platform day in day out. The blog actually helped me fall in love with Minnesota. I would find myself learning more and experiencing more than I would have without it. There is a saying, You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the girl. I think that has been true for me and how I approach living in a different state. There will always be differences and things that still make me scratch my head like Hot Dish and the phrase Uffdah. But the people here are kind and I love the down to earth and gentle way of doing things.


5.) New or old, where (or whom) do you draw your inspiration?


Traveling is my biggest inspiration. From experiencing the people and culture, to taking in the sights, as well as walking around the markets and finding treasures to bring back home with me it all makes me feel inspired.


6.) Favorite time of day to create and work?

I love sitting in bed at the end of the day with the dogs cuddled up by my feet and my hubby asleep next to me and creating. That has definitely slowed down over the last six months but we are transitioning into a new phase with the baby and I am finding more windows of time to work throughout the day and even starting back in the evening again.



7.) Coffee, tea, or other? AKA, what fuels your day-to-day? (It's cool if your answer to this is wine, too!)


Loaded question because coffee is my life as a new mom and at the end of the day - you better believe I need a glass of wine or a sparkling rose!


8.) Best nugget of advice you've been given that stands true for you today.

No one is you and that is your power. I find that it can be scary to be who you are especially when sharing your life openly with the world. But remember you have something special to give no matter how big or how small. How you see the world is fresh and unique so never be afraid to share! Everyone is winging it anyway!


the most refreshing reminder we didn’t know we needed –– THANK YOU for your words, your time and for being you, Tamara.



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