Indigo Blue | linyage in color

Did someone say linyage does blue? IT’S TRUE!

I’ll admit, I’m the LAST person who expected to play with color. I wear, live, and work among shades of beige and variations of white.
When a beyond special super human like @lavendergreenphoto puts in a request… who are we to turn her down?!
Elizabeth was planning a 10 year vow renewal in Banff and we thought a natural indigo blue would feel at home among they mountains. Covid may have delayed that trip indefinitely but in the mean time she put her linyage to use by styling the dopest shoot with the lovely @alexandra.e.vang
This skirt was admittedly a challenge but I don’t back down… I had said if I were to do color it was important to me to use natural dyes - which are pretty difficult to control and though I appreciate the WILD in all aspects of life, it was frustrating to not achieve the color in my head. Indigo vats, sun bleaching, tea staining… all the things to try to get it just the right worn in, faded linyage blue.
At the end of the day, we LET THE SKIRT BE WHAT IT WANTED and it is truly a WILD & BEAUTIFUL thing.
Thank you @lavendergreenphoto for presenting me with a crazy cool challenge and taking me out of my comfort zone and as always for BEING THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN YOU ARE!

Photographer: Lavender Green Photography
Model: Alex Vang

Location: Each Other