Kale Yeah! | Toss Some Greens in It

KALE YEAH! The go-to motto around here… G R E E N S. Mmmmmm those nutrient dense, leafy bundles of goodness. This likely isn’t everyone’s reaction to kale or collard greens - but whether we like it or not, we can all agree that GREENS are good for ya! Okay, hear me out…

Nutrition has become a HUGE part of my life since my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. I’ve always viewed myself as a ‘healthy eater’ by American standards- shying away from sugar and processed foods - however I have learned SO MUCH MORE about how I could BETTER SUPPORT my body and it has been an absolute game changer for me both mentally and physically. Kale specifically has become a B I G part of my everyday - if you follow along on our IG stories, you’re sure to see me dancing around with some sort of green glass of goodness!

So what’s up with KALE you ask?

Those dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula, bok choy, chard, collard greens to name a few (sorry folks, iceberg doesn’t count - think darker in color = higher in nutrition) are super nutrient dense with vitamin B (especially folate) vitamin, A, C, K, magnesium and calcium. They are rich sources of powerhouse phytochemicals - which contain anti-cancer properties, anti-inflammatory properties, promote better brain health, cell protection, stronger and more elastic skin, balanced hormones, heart health, and improved liver function.

Whoa baby, that is A LOT of benefits! Personally upping the greens has me feeling better than ever - like I have been SHOCKED at what a difference it has made in my body. Since being more conscientious of my nutrition my anxiety levels have drastically gone down, brain fog has lifted, and my aches and joint pain are no more.

Which is why we’re sharing our 3 go-to’s for integrating GREENS into your day in tasty ways so that you can start sneaking all this good-good into your diet!

*Bonus: these are great ways to get your kiddo’s to eat greens too!



My favorite nutritious tasty treat - but make it green! Spinach is a game changer in a smoothie because it doesn’t change the flavor, just the color! It’s magic.

My go to smoothie that I actually crave and rarely get sick of… I know super boring that I don’t give myself more variety but a solid Peanut Butter Banana is MY JAM.


peanut butter

almond milk



I add vanilla detox powder in as well but you can add in flax or hemp seed, your protein or detox powders, toss in any other supplements that cater to your daily regimen!


My juicer is one of my FAVORITE things - it is a HUGE contributor to my nutrient check list.

3 curly kale leaves

3 celery stalks

1 apple

1 cup pineapple

1/2 green pepper

1 lemon

1 inch of ginger

This is my basic go-to juice blend but sometimes I take apples out and do more pineapple and green pepper, add in cilantro and jalapeño if I’m feeling’ spicy, or toss in spinach or other greens that need to be used up in the fridge. This has been a good starter template for me to build off of and modify from there!

I love THIS JUICER because it doesn’t take up much room which is great for my tiny space!

sautéed veggies

Pasta, skillets, stir fry - whatever you’re cookin’ throw some greens in it!

One of my go-to meals in a pinch is a veggie skillet! Mushrooms, broccoli - those sulphur rich veggies or whatever you’ve got on hand. The trick here is to wilt some kale or spinach in and you’ve got yourself another serving of greens! Add in protein and eat as a skillet or throw over chick pea pasta (my fave GF alternative) or brown rice. A trick I often use is wilting curly or Dino kale in grass fed bacon grease. Bacon really makes anything yummy if you’re a meat eater and it’s great way to get the bitterness out of the kale leaves. Toss it into your pasta or rice bowl with the other veggies!

Keep it simple and have some fun. All in all: