Midwest Elopement | Embracing Your Own Terrain

Adventure Elopement Wedding Dress - hike-able, packable, comfortable bridal separates.

Eloping close to home…

Believe it or not, an adventure elopement doesn’t have to be a BIG destination. The landscapes in your own backyard could lend a beautiful backdrop for you ceremony - and quite frankly, have even more sentiment!

Think day trips you’ve traveled, hikes you’ve taken, rivers you’ve walked. Our pieces are home amongst any landscape. Roll the separates up in your backpack, book a bed and breakfast or pack some camping gear and hit the road!

We sent these separates to northern Wisconsin. Hayward is one of our favorite Midwest destinations and the surrounding scenery is full of the Midwest magic. This hike was a perfect display of how you can use your familiar surroundings to curate a unique experience.

Adventure Elopement Wedding Dress - hike-able, packable, comfortable bridal separates that roll up into your backpack.
Adventure Elopement Wedding Dress - hike-able, packable, comfortable bridal separates that roll up into your backpack.